Hey SCALA-ers,
If anyone taking LIS 2600 next semester wants to buy my pristine copy of "Discovering Computers 2008", let me know. I'm willing to cut out the middle man and sell it cheaper than used books at the bookstore.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Introduction to Information Technology
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Scheduling Next Meeting (January)
Hello, everybody!
We hope your finals went smoothly and that you're beginning to relax a bit from the rigors of a busy semester.
SCALA would like to schedule an early meeting for next semester and we'd like to choose a day and time that would be available to most people. To that end, we're trying a new system using when2meet.com.
Please click this link and identify the times you could meet. This doesn't mean you absolutely have to show up, but it will give us an idea of when to schedule the meeting:
We hope you have a restful break. Please contact our new president, Joe Prince, if you have any questions.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
New SCALA Officers!
Congratulations to newly elected President, Joe Prince; Vice President, Rachel Carver; and Treasurer, Laura Zieja. Re-elected officers are Secretary, Jacqui Taylor; Faculty Liason, Andrea Zekas; and Webmaster, Marie Elia. SCALA would like to thank Raquel Rivera (former President) and Carla Glover (former Treasurer) for their service, and congratulate them on graduating from the program.
Minutes from this election meeting should be posted to the archive page shortly.
We have lots of stuff planned for next semester, including a table at ComiCon and a trip to the ALA Annual Conference, so check the website or this blog when you get back from break!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
New SCALA Website!
Our new site is up and running! Please take a look around and let the webmaster know if anything isn't working properly. Also let her know what you want to see on the site, on this blog, etc.
Speaking of this blog, we hope that you'll use it as a place to plan things, advertise events, discuss library- and nonlibrary-related topics, and even sell your old textbooks.
Also, we realize that using blogger means that you need to have a Gmail account. It's been our experience that, of all the free email services that people use, Gmail is the most popular, and we wanted to have something that could be moderated but wouldn't necessitate use of your @pitt email. If you've got another suggestion, let us know.
As it stands right now, to be able to post, email the webmaster and you'll receive an invitation. After accepting your invitation, you'll be able to post. We're trying to add all of the people who already signed up to receive SCALA emails, so keep an eye on your inbox! Also, anyone can leave a comment; there are no permissions or moderation for that.
Elect Officers @ 12/6 Mtg 4pm
What: All-SCALA meeting
When: Thursday, December 6, at 4pm
Where: Meeting Room off of main lobby, across from elevators
Why: Our President and Treasurer are graduating, and we need new ones.
(All positions are up for challenge, though.)
Who: YOU!
Email any of your officers with questions!