Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Volunteer Opportunity

Hey everybody, here's a great opportunity to help out a local library, and also release some stress via breaking stuff with hammers!


I am looking for volunteers to help demolish the Children's room in
the Carnegie Library of Homestead. Don't worry ---- it's not
permanent. We are remodeling.

Here are the jobs that need to be done:

- carefully take existing paintings off the walls
- cover carpet with tarps
- take book cases off the walls and put in trash (unless a volunteer
would like the wood)
- put up scaffolding
- prep and paint the walls
- prep and paint the columns at the entrance way to the room
- prep and paint the ceiling

We will provide the paint, brushes, scaffolding, and some tools.
Please bring hammers, screw drivers, tarps, ladders, buckets, and any
other instruments you think we may need (put your name on whatever you

Demolition day is Monday July 6, 2009 at 8 am and will continue
throughout the week.

Please let me know if you are able to help. This would be a good
community service project.

Thank you!
--Paula Borsch

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Library Education

For those of you that don't receive emails from ALA, I thought I would pass along this message from Jim Rettig about ALA's Special Library Education Task Force.

Dear colleagues:

In my travels to chapter conferences and other events this past year I have heard many ALA members talk about library education. I think that library education is somewhat analogous to the weather—everyone talks about it but nobody does anything about it. That is not the case with library education, especially not now.

In January a Special Library Education Task Force, chaired by Dr. Carla Hayden submitted its report to the ALA Executive Board.

The Task Force’s full report is available at http://tinyurl.com/r2nt25. The Task Force identified eight core competences that students in Master’s degree programs in library and information science should master. At the Midwinter Meeting in Denver this past January the ALA Council approved these competences (see Council Document #10.1 at http://tinyurl.com/qyn8nb).

The Task Force also made a set of recommendations related to accreditation of MLIS programs. I wrote about these recommendations in my May American Libraries column (see http://jimrettig.org/content/columns/documents/May2009PDF.pdf). The Committee on Accreditation (http://tinyurl.com/molhom) is reviewing these recommendations and seeks comment on them from ALA members and other stakeholders. It has set up a blog at http://www.oa.ala.org/accreditation/ to hear ideas from ALA members and others regarding the recommendations and the current Standards for Accreditation.

I encourage all ALA members with an interest in education for the MLIS to read the Task Force’s report, the competences document Council approved, and the Standards and to share their ideas with the Committee on Accreditation via the new blog. This is one time when talking about library education can be more than just talk.


Jim Rettig
ALA President

Thursday, June 25, 2009

General Meeting 6/29

Our June General meeting will be this coming Monday, June 29th at 5:00pm in IS 502. Hope to see everyone there!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

BKDT featured in ALA press release!

Exciting news...our very own Book Kart Drill Team was featured in an AlA press release announcing this year's championships!

The BKDT will be holding a public preview performance before we head off to Chicago, so stay tuned for details!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Hey, small spender!

Library Journal posted an article about going to the ALA conference on the cheap. There are museums (and an aquarium! who's in?), a festival or two, shopping, and theatre options listed. Might be worth adding to your bookmarks, as the conference edges closer.

Also, a plug: if you're going to ALA with the idea of networking, a key student-and-new-librarian-networking event is the New Member Round Table (NMRT)'s awards ceremony & social. Anyone who wants to go can head over with our (hopefully award-winning!) Book Cart Drill Team, after the championship.

Book Cart Drill Team World Championship: Sunday, July 12, 2009, from 4-5:30pm, at McCormick Place West

NMRT Awards Ceremony & Student Networking Event: Sunday, July 12, 2009, from 7:00-9:00pm, in the Chicago Hilton, Northwest 5 Ballroom