Thursday, June 4, 2009

Hey, small spender!

Library Journal posted an article about going to the ALA conference on the cheap. There are museums (and an aquarium! who's in?), a festival or two, shopping, and theatre options listed. Might be worth adding to your bookmarks, as the conference edges closer.

Also, a plug: if you're going to ALA with the idea of networking, a key student-and-new-librarian-networking event is the New Member Round Table (NMRT)'s awards ceremony & social. Anyone who wants to go can head over with our (hopefully award-winning!) Book Cart Drill Team, after the championship.

Book Cart Drill Team World Championship: Sunday, July 12, 2009, from 4-5:30pm, at McCormick Place West

NMRT Awards Ceremony & Student Networking Event: Sunday, July 12, 2009, from 7:00-9:00pm, in the Chicago Hilton, Northwest 5 Ballroom

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