Thursday, July 31, 2008

Duck Tour 2008 FAQ, presented by Daffy Duck

When and where can I register?
Our favorite question! Registration begins here, on the blog, on Monday August 4th. There will be a short form for you to fill out then email to

What sort of crazy vehicle goes on both land and sea?
Designed by Q for James Bond …just kidding…the DUKW is an amphibious truck built by General Motors Corporation during WWII for transporting goods and soldiers over land and water. D stands for 1942, U stands for utility, K stands for front wheel drive, and W stands for two rear driving axles. Clear as mud, but a real beauty and loads of fun.

Is the DUKW handicap accessible?
Yes, the DUKW is adaptable for those with mobility impairments. Just Ducky Tours asks to be informed 48 hours in advance of any special needs, so any student with a mobility impairment who registers for Duck Tour 2008 should email

How much does it cost?
SCALA is footing the entire bill for this one. However, if you drive you will have to pay for your own parking. Consider taking the bus instead: it’s free with your Pitt Student ID.

Can I get a seat for my kid/mom/boyfriend/dog, too?
No. Unfortunately there are a very limited number of seats, so in the spirit of MLIS-bonding and budgetary fairness, spots are only available to MLIS students. One per person.

What if I already know Pittsburgh/ have already been on a Just Ducky Tour?
C’mon you don’t know everything about the Three Rivers’ City. The Just Ducky tour guides, like, sleep with Fort Pitt diaries under their pillows and are co-writing amongst themselves a 1000-page-minimum history of the city. Not really, but these guys really know their stuff and the tour is never the same twice.

What if I’m not a new student?
You’re very welcome to come! SCALA is all about community, and it can take a good while to get orientated to a new city—especially when your days are focused on coursework. So come join us too, ye SIS veteran!

When and where do I pick up my ticket?
Since SCALA is chartering an entire DUKW, there are no physical tickets. When you turn in your registration form you will be added to our master list of seat-holders and be sent a confirmation email.

How long will Duck Tour 2008 take?
Approximately 90 minutes. The tour itself is an hour, but everybody must be checked in by 5:30pm to depart at 6pm. The tour will be finished at about 7pm.

Where is Duck Tour 2008 embarking from?
Duck Tour 2008 begins and ends at Just Ducky Tours in Station Square. If that sentence just read like a foreign language, don’t worry. Your confirmation email will have detailed instructions on how to reach Just Ducky Tours by either bus or car. If you’re taking a submarine, though, well, the directions are all up to you then.

What if it rains?
We go anyway. The DUKW is designed to keep you dry whether the water is coming up from the river or down from the sky. You will have a comfortable tour rain or shine.

What do I need to bring with me?
You may wish to bring sunscreen, and it’s a good idea to wear shoes rather than sandals since you’ll be in a boat and all.

Anything else I should know about Duck Tour 2008?
If you’re looking to earn a Girl Scout badge, Just Ducky Tours can accommodate the excursion to your needs. But I think most all of us have already earned as many badges as we're ever going to have, so this may be a moot point. If you have any other questions you can address them to

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Revised SCALA Constitution

Your SCALA officers reviewed the Constitution at the most recent officer's meeting. Here is the revised Constitution: . You can compare it to the old Constitution, located here: .

We would love to hear any comments or suggestions you have for the Constitution! Please submit them on this blog or to any of the SCALA officers (our email addresses are on the SCALA webpage).

There will be a vote on the new Constitution at the first SCALA meeting of the Fall semester.

Duck Tour 2008 (coming soon)

Anaheim Ducks hockey player and Pittsburgh native George Parros thinks you should register for Duck Tour 2008 … and exhibit more appropriate respect for his freakin’ sweet 80s-tastic mustache. And also please to stop “accidentally” calling him Captain Jack.