Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Renew Your ALA Membership at Student Rate

Hey, everyone. I just renewed my ALA membership at the tail end of my time as a student, so I was able to get the student rate again. If you joined last year at the beginning of your first semester, renew now!

ALA Membership Renewal

If you're not a member, you should be! Why? Allow me to borrow from our website:
"ALA's student membership costs $30 (2007-08 rates) and includes a subscription to American Libraries as well as AL Direct, a weekly email newsletter; we also strongly recommend you join the New Members Round Table (NMRT). It's an additional $10 but well worth the cost. On it, you'll meet new and emerging members of the library community as well as discuss topics that all new librarians should know including common "how to's" of the library field. It's a great way to develop leadership skills and become involved!"

If you have any questions, as always, we're here to help.

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