Monday, March 9, 2009

Post-Break Awesomeness -- And You Can Help!

We're celebrating St. Patrick's Day the week after St. Patrick's Day with a baked goods and crafts sale, proceeds to benefit the Book Kart Drill Team. If you've got a hankerin' for some tasty treats or some fabulous crafts, come check us out! (Or, if you like to bake or make crafts and would like to contribute to what we're selling, please do, and we will love you forever and think you are fantastic!)

We'll be in the lobby all day. Come find us. :)

And then, at 5pm, we'll be having our March SCALA meeting, with library-themed beverages (school policy being what it is, the beverages will, of course, be alcohol-free ... but tasty!). Come find out what we've been up to and what's coming up!

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