Wednesday, September 10, 2008

New Officers and Next Meeting

Congratulations to your newly elected Fall 2008 SCALA officers! Serving Pitt MLIS students this semester are Jacqui Taylor (President), Rachel Carver (Vice President), Amy Lee Heinlen (Secretary), Coral Hess (Treasurer), Blake Robinson (Faculty/FastTrak Liaison), and Jean Sant (Webmaster).

SCALA will be holding its next meeting in October, probably on the week of the 6th. So let's hear it oh active SCALA members ours--what times and dates work best for you? We'll strive to accommodate as many people as possible. We luvs yinz! Leave your mark in the comments section of this post to help us find a time!


Joe said...


I just want to say the blog is fantastic! Also, congrats on the enormous success of the Duck Tour. You're going to be the best damned pres this org has ever seen!

To the new executive board - congratulations!

And to the new members - have a blast! Yay, SCALA!

Love from the former president,

Amoret MBR said...

Has there been a decision on a day and time for the next meeting? Mondays from 11-12 work for me, or from 5-6; Wednesdays after 12 noon also work.

Jacqui Taylor said...

Thanks for the vote of confidence Joe! You're the rock on whom we are building further SCALA success.

Toasterstrumpet, you can expect a post on Thursday morning about the next meeting. Thanks for your input and keep a sharp eye out!

Marisa said...

Please let me know when the next meeting is (not Thursdays would be amazing). My e-mail is Also, I just want to plug a livejournal community called The Society of Librarians who say Mofo:

You don't have to be a member to view and get a chuckle!