Thursday, September 18, 2008

October General Meeting Date Set!

"Town" meeting! Town meeting y'all!

SCALA's October meeting has been set for Wednesday, October 8th at 1pm in the first floor lounge (room 1A04).

See y'all--and perhaps some "Nightmare Before Christmas"-worthy goodies--there!


Marisa said...


Is it ok for anyone to show up? I'm sorry I haven't made it to any other meeting, I didn't know until Wednesday that the group existed... Do you mind me sitting in?

Jacqui Taylor said...

My dear mofo-librarian-linking Marisa-

Anyone can show up!!! We prefer if you're a Pitt MLIS student, but we probably won't cause a scene if a CMU Undergrad Undecided major shows up, lol.

In SCALA, there are two levels of membership: passive and active. All Pitt MLIS students are passive members simply by being enrolled in classes. Active membership is attained by either participating in the SCALA online community (like the blog *wink*, Facebook, and/or Fast Track board) or attending a meeting in person.

So pull a Bob Barker and come on down! We'd love to see you and all your pals at the meeting!