Monday, August 10, 2009

Did you miss ALA? Want to see Pitt's Book Cart Drill Team?

Pitt's Book Cart Drill Team won 3rd place in the Book Cart Drill Team World Championships! The bronze book cart should be arriving in the IS Library any time now.

Here is the video of their performance at ALA Annual:

Sunday, July 26, 2009

We're having waffles!

We are having a "Library Social" pancake and waffle lunch this Wednesday from 11am-2pm at the IS Library. They told us all about it, and now we're telling you! You should tell your friends, too!

I heard a rumor we're also having a SCALA meeting this week... Come by on Monday, July 27 at 5:15pm in IS502 for our final summer SCALA meeting!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Final Summer Meeting!

Our final SCALA Meeting of the summer will be held on Monday, July 27 at 5:15pm in IS502. Hope to see you all there!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Summary of today's panel discussion on Conference Etiquette

A BIG thank you to Roxanne for taking these notes!


Professional Conference Etiquette for First-Timers Panel Discussion - PARAPHRASED MINUTES

Joe Prince - Student to Staff Representative at 2008 Anaheim ALA Conference

Dr. Kip Currier - 1996 ALA in New York City, 2000 ALA in Chicago -

Suzi Wackerbarth - 2003 ALA in Toronto (not highly attended because of SARS), 2004 ALA in Chicago, Public Library Association Conferences - Recommends smaller conferences if ALA is too overwhelming to you.

Weston River North 5:30 -7:30 Sunday July 12 SIS Alumni Reception

Kip - If there is a program you want to attend that requires registration, get there early before it fills up.

Suzi - It is very common for people to be in and out of programs. It is not considered rude to get up and leave for whatever reason. It may also be a good idea to pop into a random discussion or presentation, you may find something you enjoy that you didn't already know about. Be Flexible, it is okay to deviate from your plan. Go to at least one morning session and one evening session, but don't forget to check out CHICAGO!

Anita Riley: As a job seeker, what are your recommendations for what to have with you? attire?

Joe Prince - As a student, business casual is the best way to dress in the event that you stumble upon people looking to hire. Carry resumes and business cards.

Kip - Recommends getting business cards at Kinko's; it is okay to put "MLIS expected..."

Anita: What would you say is the most valuable type of event to attend? Workshops or Panel presentations, or poster sessions etc. What should we prioritize?

Joe: What interests you the most? Poster sessions can be overwhelming. Joe is a middle school librarian and recommends going to meet-and-greets with authors.

Suzi - If you want to attend a session that costs money for dinner, it is okay to show up after the dinner has ended to just view the presentation only.

Kip - Visit vendors to see new software, and workshops. He integrates information learned on the subjects he teaches to own personal topics into lectures. Tailor it to your intended career path. Who are the [famous] speakers?

Suzi - Do the exhibits!

Joe - There are fun things in the exhibits such as a conference-wide scavenger hunt. They are both informational and recreational.

Anita: Is it appropriate to wait around to speak with the presenters?

Suzi - Has done this. You can gauge by the size of the group wanting to speak with them whether to stay or not.

Kip - If it is an author or someone famous, they may be around later to speak with or sign autographs.

Anita: Do any of you have any experience with the Job Placement Center?

Kip: Has interviewed at ALA but outside of the Placement Center. This is why it is important to have your CV, Business Cards, a full suit(if you choose), etc. If you are going to ALA to have a pre-scheduled interview, do your homework beforehand. Employers want to see that you have looked at the website, know trends. Be friendly, open, and enthusiastic.

Anita: What was the most valuable experience that you have been to at a conference?

Joe: Consider your own weaknesses and what skill set you hope to develop. If there is something you feel wasn't addressed in any of your courses, find a workshop that covers that. Challenge yourself. The more you fortify yourself, the better your experience will be.

Kip: Conferences are a great opportunity to visit the great libraries such as New York Public Library.

Lisa Campbell: Question about Social Events/Networking at Conferences: Are happy hours great for social networking? How would you handle yourself if you don't know people there?

Kip: Left a happy hour with 25 business cards. He can't tell you enough how important it is to go to a happy hour. He continues to be in contact wit those he met here. Its not always easy, but go for it! Its is a worthwhile experience.

Wrap up, Final thoughts:

Suzi: They key is to go in knowing it is going to be a real experience. It is a HUGE experience. Just make sure you don't overwhelm yourself with events but DO HAVE A PLAN!

Joe: Hint for the exhibits: Bring an extra bag for SWAG. Advanced copies for books. Eat outside the conference center, it is cheap.

Suzi: You WILL get a bag(s). Have business cards including to enter drawings.

Kip: If you have a job interview be punctual. Be EXACTLY on time. Write thank you notes for interviews. Think about what kind of e-mail address you have, is it professional? Check social networking! Is your facebook acceptable?

Zack: How many business cards?

Kip: 50 to 100

Suzi: Bring your cellphone! Know everybody's numbers!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Volunteer Opportunity

Hey everybody, here's a great opportunity to help out a local library, and also release some stress via breaking stuff with hammers!


I am looking for volunteers to help demolish the Children's room in
the Carnegie Library of Homestead. Don't worry ---- it's not
permanent. We are remodeling.

Here are the jobs that need to be done:

- carefully take existing paintings off the walls
- cover carpet with tarps
- take book cases off the walls and put in trash (unless a volunteer
would like the wood)
- put up scaffolding
- prep and paint the walls
- prep and paint the columns at the entrance way to the room
- prep and paint the ceiling

We will provide the paint, brushes, scaffolding, and some tools.
Please bring hammers, screw drivers, tarps, ladders, buckets, and any
other instruments you think we may need (put your name on whatever you

Demolition day is Monday July 6, 2009 at 8 am and will continue
throughout the week.

Please let me know if you are able to help. This would be a good
community service project.

Thank you!
--Paula Borsch

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Library Education

For those of you that don't receive emails from ALA, I thought I would pass along this message from Jim Rettig about ALA's Special Library Education Task Force.

Dear colleagues:

In my travels to chapter conferences and other events this past year I have heard many ALA members talk about library education. I think that library education is somewhat analogous to the weather—everyone talks about it but nobody does anything about it. That is not the case with library education, especially not now.

In January a Special Library Education Task Force, chaired by Dr. Carla Hayden submitted its report to the ALA Executive Board.

The Task Force’s full report is available at The Task Force identified eight core competences that students in Master’s degree programs in library and information science should master. At the Midwinter Meeting in Denver this past January the ALA Council approved these competences (see Council Document #10.1 at

The Task Force also made a set of recommendations related to accreditation of MLIS programs. I wrote about these recommendations in my May American Libraries column (see The Committee on Accreditation ( is reviewing these recommendations and seeks comment on them from ALA members and other stakeholders. It has set up a blog at to hear ideas from ALA members and others regarding the recommendations and the current Standards for Accreditation.

I encourage all ALA members with an interest in education for the MLIS to read the Task Force’s report, the competences document Council approved, and the Standards and to share their ideas with the Committee on Accreditation via the new blog. This is one time when talking about library education can be more than just talk.


Jim Rettig
ALA President

Thursday, June 25, 2009

General Meeting 6/29

Our June General meeting will be this coming Monday, June 29th at 5:00pm in IS 502. Hope to see everyone there!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

BKDT featured in ALA press release!

Exciting news...our very own Book Kart Drill Team was featured in an AlA press release announcing this year's championships!

The BKDT will be holding a public preview performance before we head off to Chicago, so stay tuned for details!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Hey, small spender!

Library Journal posted an article about going to the ALA conference on the cheap. There are museums (and an aquarium! who's in?), a festival or two, shopping, and theatre options listed. Might be worth adding to your bookmarks, as the conference edges closer.

Also, a plug: if you're going to ALA with the idea of networking, a key student-and-new-librarian-networking event is the New Member Round Table (NMRT)'s awards ceremony & social. Anyone who wants to go can head over with our (hopefully award-winning!) Book Cart Drill Team, after the championship.

Book Cart Drill Team World Championship: Sunday, July 12, 2009, from 4-5:30pm, at McCormick Place West

NMRT Awards Ceremony & Student Networking Event: Sunday, July 12, 2009, from 7:00-9:00pm, in the Chicago Hilton, Northwest 5 Ballroom

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Meeting + Deadlines

Reminder: SCALA General Meeting Thursday May 21 at 5pm in IS522! Be there for a special election for the position of Faculty / Fast Track Liaison* and details about riding to ALA Annual Conference in the SCALA van!

One important detail: SCALA will get you to ALA, but you are responsible for finding your own accommodations. ALA offers assistance with finding rooms on their Travel & Housing page, but the deadlines are coming up - act quickly if you want to take advantage of this option. Dorm deadline is May 22, Hotel deadline is June 5. Of course you can also just set things up on your own, no need to go through them.

If you're looking for a roommate, check out the SCALA fb page. We've set up a message board for people to look for conference travel buddies and roommates!

*If you are interested in running and cannot be at the meeting, please email

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Book Swap + General Meeting

Don't forget, Monday from 1-5 in IS 502 is the SCALA/SLAPSG Book Swap!

Drop in any time! Bring a Book, Take a Book!

Book Kart Drill Team Raffle tickets and Crafts will be available for purchase, as well as SCALA T-shirts.


This Thursday, May 21st at 5:00pm in IS 522 will be our first General Meeting of the Summer Term!

We will be holding a special election for the position of Faculty / Fast Track Liaison at the meeting. You do not have to be present to run; email for more information.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Friday, April 24, 2009

Info Literacy Seminar Opportunity

ACRL Western Pennsylvania / West Virginia Chapter presents:

Information Literacy and Assessment
An ACRL/TLT Group Online Seminar

· How can you assess Information Literacy?

· How do we determine the effectiveness of our information literacy programs?

· Do we know if we are making an impact in the classroom?

Join the WPWVC/ACRL chapter members for a live webcast looking at assessing information literacy learning. Seminar leaders will provide practical, specific examples for conducting an assessment of information literacy programs, and highlight best practices in assessment. For more information about the seminar, visit the events calendar on the TLT website at

WHEN: Wednesdays, May 6, 13 and 20, 2009, from 1-2 pm

WHERE: Library Resource Center at the University of Pittsburgh

COST: Free for current WPWVC members (WPWVC/ACRL membership is just $15!)

$5.00 per session for all others

Registration includes light refreshments

To Register: Contact Tracey Olanyk at or (412) 244-7534

Registration fees will be collected on site

ALA Membership Survey

From the ALA Student Member Blog:

Our Emerging Leaders Team L (Amalia Monroe, Morgan Montgomery, Karen Keys, and Erin Dorney), with feedback from ALA staff, would like library workers born after 1978 to spend 15–20 minutes completing a brief survey about ALA chapter membership. They are interested in finding out more about millennial generation needs and wants.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Summer 2009 Executive Board Officers

Congratulations to the newly elected officers!

President Anita Riley
Vice President Nicole Devendra
Secretary Mari Bales
Treasurer Amy Lee Heinlen
Web Master Coral Hess

If you've been trolling on the SCALA blog for a while--now is the time to get on the boat! So much will be happening over the summer... come join us for summer librarian fun!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Book Swap Thursday!

This Thursday 4/23 will be our last SCALA event of the semester... a book swap! Drop by IS 522 between noon and four with any books you are willing to part with. You're welcome to take as many books as you bring! Any type of books are welcome - textbooks as well as anything else you've read and would like to pass on. We'll be donating any leftover books to local organizations.

SCALA T-shirts will be on sale, and Book Kart Drill Team will be selling raffle tickets ($1 each or 6 for $5)!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

National Library Week... this week! ALA has some great materials and information on their website. Is anyone doing something special at their library?

One way to celebrate is the SCALA networking event, this Thursday at The Library in the SouthSide. Be sure to RSVP to if you plan to attend! We've got a number of local librarians planning to attend, so this will be a great opportunity to meet some people in the field and also have fun! And did I mention free food?

Thursday, April 9, 2009

article + reminder

Great article from College & Research Libraries on personal questions in interviews and the practice of "googling" prospective employees. A must-read for those of us currently applying to jobs!

Also, don't forget to RSVP for the SCALA Networking event one week from today (4/16) at The Library! Join us for free food, fun, and the opportunity to socialize with local librarians. Space is limited, so please email to reserve your spot. Hope to see everyone there!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

SCALA Networking Event 4/16

Exciting news! On Thursday April 16, SCALA will be hosting a networking event from 7-11pm at the Library Bar! Following our 5pm general meeting we will head down to the SouthSide for food and fun with local librarians, or stop in anytime on your own. This is a great opportunity to make some connections in the field!

Space is limited, so if you'd like to attend be sure to email Nicole at

The Library, 2302 E Carson Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15203

Thursday, April 2, 2009

April General Meeting: Elections and More Goodies!

It's the last meeting ever of the Spring 2009 General Membership and have we ever got a meeting for you! Networking at The Library, a Book Kart Drill Team special performance announcement, SCALA Tshirts, and even (dun dun dun) Pirates!

Most importantly we're holding officer elections. See for descriptions of each position as well as a review of the election process. You do not have to be present at the meeting in order to be elected. Please contact for more details on this option.

Look forward to seeing y'all there!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Don't miss out on all the i-Fest fun going on at SIS today through Friday! How cool would it be for a SCALA memeber to win big?

Check it out here.

Monday, March 30, 2009

LITA un-conference

Hello all, hope everyone is recovering from FastTrack weekend!

I was reading the AL Student Direct this morning and spotted some info about the LITA Camp going on May 7-8 in Dublin, OH. It's a bit pricey, but sounds like a great opportunity if anybody is able to make it...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

SCALA @ FastTrack Weekend!

In case you somehow missed it, this weekend is FastTrack Weekend at SIS, as well as the iSchool Development Day! SCALA has some fun planned for those of you coming in from out of town, as well as yinz that we see all the time. We'll be in the SIS lobby at 11:45 with pizza and baked goods for you to enjoy, and also selling our brand-new SCALA t-shirts! Hope to see tons of new (and old) faces there!

And while we're at it, don't forget the Bake Sale today in support of Book Kart Drill Team!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Awesomeness, Postponed

Bake sale and craft sale are still on, but we're moving them back a week! Come to the lobby next Tuesday for awesome baked goods and crafty goodness!

If you have baking or crafting skills and would be willing to donate cookies or crafts, we will gladly accept them and sell them, with the funds supporting the Book Kart Drill Team's entry into the World Book Cart Drill Team championships.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

RSS Feed of Job Sites

Hey y'all--

Long time no see! I misses you all so much. . . must jot it down that I owe you lot a book cart full of chocolate and roses! (Until then, have a lolcat...)

Anywho, just wanted to let you all know about a really helpful, really neat little RSS feed. It was created by Kelly Quinn and it tracks the updates on over 370 library job sites.

See you at the meeting!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Post-Break Awesomeness -- And You Can Help!

We're celebrating St. Patrick's Day the week after St. Patrick's Day with a baked goods and crafts sale, proceeds to benefit the Book Kart Drill Team. If you've got a hankerin' for some tasty treats or some fabulous crafts, come check us out! (Or, if you like to bake or make crafts and would like to contribute to what we're selling, please do, and we will love you forever and think you are fantastic!)

We'll be in the lobby all day. Come find us. :)

And then, at 5pm, we'll be having our March SCALA meeting, with library-themed beverages (school policy being what it is, the beverages will, of course, be alcohol-free ... but tasty!). Come find out what we've been up to and what's coming up!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Reminder: Sign up for conference!

early bird
Just a friendly reminder: the Early Bird Registration deadline for ALA Annual, July 9-July 15, in Chicago, is this Friday, March 6th. After Friday, rates go up to the 'Advanced' prices. If you're planning to go, this is the week to register!

The student rate is $95 this week, with ALA membership (and it's $120 next week and after!). Also, if you've got the $10 to spare, I definitely recommend springing for membership in the New Members Round Table (NMRT)--it's a great resource for new librarians to network and learn from others' experiences. (Also, they throw a good party at Annual each year.) If you are in NMRT, or are thinking of joining it, you might also be interested in their listserv, NMRT-L.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Next General Meeting 3/17

Hey there SCALA-ites, it's your webmaster here! On Pittsburgh's (middle?) East Side, we often like to celebrate the changing of the seasons with a cocktail. And because librarians are so fabulous, the Denver Hyatt created a few specialty cocktails with a library theme for this year's ALA Midwinter Meeting.

Who are we to ignore the hot new thing in librarianship? In the spirit of keeping up with the trends, we'll be serving (virgin) editions of these special drinks at our next general meeting on Tuesday, March 17th at 5pm.

Be there in your St. Patrick's Day finest, because you never know what will happen at a SCALA meeting!

Your Trusty Webmaster

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Project Information Literacy

I was given a copy of the newly-released progress report from Project Information Literacy, and it's a great read for anyone interested in Info Literacy or working with college students!

Minutes from 2/10 Meeting...

are now up on the SCALA website!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Thursday, February 12, 2009

URGENT: Protect Library Funding in the Economic Stimulus Package

Please see the ALA Student Member Blog for Urgent information about this important topic!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sweets for yor Sweet (Tooth)

Reminder: Bake Sale this THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12th!

Look for the SCALA table in the IS building all day and pick up some delicious, home-baked treats

All Proceeds go to support the Book Kart Drill Team!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Meeting Reminder!

Don't forget our next general meeting this coming Tuesday, February 10th at 9pm in IS 502!

Come enjoy an ice cream social and general SCALA awesomeness!


Congratulations to Elise Ferer who was selected as our representative for the Student-to-Staff program at this summer's ALA Annual Conference!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Next SCALA general meeting 2/10

Come join us for a special late-night edition of SCALA! We'll enjoy an ice cream social while discussing plans for the upcoming semester and routes to get you to the ALA annual conference!

Tuesday February 10
IS 502

Friday, January 9, 2009

ALA Student-to-Staff Program -- How to Apply

We mentioned this program at the last SCALA meeting and said we'd get the info out as soon as we had it. Well, we have it!

Applicants must submit their resume and a cover letter to Sue Alman (office on the 6th floor of SIS) by January 15th! They must be active SCALA and ALA members, must register for the summer term, and must be willing to fulfill the work requirements of 16 hours over 4 days in return for housing (with a roommate), registration, and a per diem. More details can be found here:

Selected applicants will be invited to an interview with the selection committee on January 20th.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Congratulations New Officers!

Thank you to everybody who turned out and made our first meeting of the semester such a cracking success!

Congratulations to the newly elected officers:
President--Jacqui Taylor
Vice President--Coral Hess
Treasurer--Amy Lee Heinlen
Secretary--Nicole DeVendra
Faculty/Fast Track Liaison--Cassie Mader
Webmaster--Anita Riley

Check out this page in the following days to find out where your officers are going to lead this hot SCALA beast during Spring 2009.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

First meeting of the new year!

It's almost time.... for SCALA's first meeting of the year! Come join us on Tuesday, January 6th at 4:30pm in room 502 for the first SCALA meeting of 2009!

Agenda items:

  • ALA Annual Conference - including a unique opportunity for you to attend for free
  • ComicCon - a local conference devoted to comics, where we will have a table
  • An architectural field trip to local libraries
  • Book Kart Drill Team - yes, another way to attend ALA at a reduced price!
  • New officer elections - All positions are open, and you do not need to be present to run for office. Contact with any questions.
See yinz there!